Crafting your Wardrobe

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Much as the saying goes that Rome wasn’t created in a day, the odds of building the perfect wardrobe isn’t something done in merely an afternoon. Sure you can walk into any department store and rack up a large bill, but from our point of view, clothing and style is something that thought and care should be put into, much as how exquisite clothes reflect this when worn. A bag of clothes purchased in an hour shows exactly this when worn-little thought, minimal effort and not much staying power.


Similar to how you consider pieces of your wardrobe as an investment of money, why not consider it also an investment of your time and thought? Allow for more than just a few moments to consider the garment, to think of its future place in your wardrobe and the great places it will take you. When you put in the effort, it not only shows, but you feel the difference. Items found hanging in your closet with the price tag years later brings on sentiments of remorse and dread, but touching upon that Italian linen blazer recalls memories of each unique experience as it grazed your back and complimented your day. At Shop the Finest, we believe all your days should be uplifted by the attributes of a life well lived.


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