DFGFDGFDGFDGFDGFDMr Cucinelli has a particular stance to match: feet together, hands stuffed in pockets minus the thumbs, with his one-and-a-half buttoned blazer pulled back either side of them to give the whole look a unique sense of elegant dishevelment, or as the Italians prefer to call it sprezzatura. The tie knot is small, tight and dimpled, the colours muted and complementary, the fabrics tactile, perfectly crumpled and soft. See the whole thing in action and you want to abandon everything in your wardrobe and dress this way forever. No wonder then that this “sporty chic” aesthetic has been instrumental in catapulting what began in 1978 as a small cashmere sweater business into what it is now a global luxury brand, with an annual net revenue of almost €356m and a global headcount of 1,300.