A newsflash to anyone who ever put off achieving greatness till another day, life is happening right now! What are you doing to celebrate it?
At Shop the Finest, we believe that special suits shouldn’t just be reserved for Sundays nor should that classic car kept in the garage till the weekend. What’s keeping you from celebrating the beauty of every day now?
Some may call it a French joie di vivre, or Italian la bella figura, but to us, it’s much simpler, life is full of beauty and the more you put into it, the more you shall receive! Consider every facet of your life an investment- your wardrobe, your car, your home. We believe you deserve the very finest in life so why not conduct your life in such a way?
In this new area of technology, you as the consumer are being placed at the forefront, so take advantage of it! Tread your own path and most importantly, create a style all your own.
Let us kindly suggest a few upgrades to make right now in your life:
Paolo Scafora Suede Shoes– If you’re going to wear them everyday as your style of choice, make them the best!
Paolo Scafora Calf Leather Belt– One of the pieces that you can’t be without, and arguably one of the most worn in your closet, why would you want anything but the finest?
Luigi Borrelli Black Sportcoat– A sportcoat, the versatile jacket that goes for any occasion but perhaps sport.