Measuring Up


Most people are more likely to know their weight and body fat percentage than they are their own personal measurements. Why is that? Sure you know what size to buy in jeans and a suit jacket, but do you know for a fact you’re a suit size 40 or is that the one you just always reach for?


Knowing your measurements doesn’t just improve the fit in your wardrobe, it also improves the clothing’s longevity. Pants with an inseam a few inches too long are more likely to be stepped upon at the heel and rip over time (not to mention look badly). The same goes for pants too snug at the waistband: not only will it offer an uncomfortable and unattractive look, the fabric will loose its shape durability when constantly being stretched to its brim. Take a tip from some of the most fashionable men in the world, the Italians, and note how well everything from their dress shirts to their blazers fit!

All in all, it’s in your best interest to learn your measurements!


All you need is a simple tape measurer and a pen and paper to record your measurements as you go. It’s important your measurements updated as well. Re-measure your body with every weight fluctuation and increase or decrease in muscle. Just the differentiation in an inch could change the whole look in a suit!

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