Pattern Play


If we were to abide by the whole standards and rules of fashion, catching sight of the latest season’s runways or the ongoing streetstyle outside your door wouldn’t be very exciting. Rules, commandments, whatever you call them, should never be taken verbatim, and instead, viewed as suggestions or a guide towards your style. As for one of these old standbys that’s meant to be broken is that prints should never be mixed with prints. Well, judging by the looks seen on and off the runway at this year’s Pitti Uomo in Florence, we say the consensus is in to abandon this rule once and for all!


Just because you’re wearing stripes doesn’t mean your tie can’t be a print as well. However, don’t match the print exactly to a print-for example, if you’re wearing vertical stripes on your oxford, steer away from a tie with vertical stripes!

Courtesy Ronzaro-1

From one extreme to another, mixing with all prints can be done, however, veer on the side of caution so you don’t end up at one extreme!


Stripes, checks and squares, all in sync

Photo Credit (1) (2) (3) (4)